Our specialist maternity services include Pregnancy massage, Hypnobirthing courses and Baby Massage lessons.

Polly Chadwick is our dedicated maternity specialist, and has been working in maternity for over 10 years she has a wealth of knowledge which she uses to support and create her treatments and courses.

Whether you are a Mum-To-Be or a new parent, we welcome you to our venue and look forward to supporting you on your pregnancy and new parent journey. Click below to read about our maternity services. 

Pregnancy Hypnobirthing Baby Massage


Massage has many benefits to help you adjust physically, as well as emotionally, to the changes that you and your body will go through during this time.

The benefits of pregnancy massage are numerous:

  • Can help to increase your energy levels
  • Help reduce stresses during, and after, your pregnancy
  • Helps to reduce stress on weight-bearing joints
  • Offers relief from muscle cramps, spasms, and myofascial pain, especially in the lower back, neck, hips, and legs
  • Increases blood and lymph circulation which can help reduce & ease swelling.
  • Each treatment is tailored to the individual and a detailed consultation will be carried out during your first appointment to create the best treatment just for you.

Treatments incorporate different principles including Swedish massage movements, deep tissue (where suitable), Shiatsu energy release techniques, lymphatic drainage, exercises and mobilisation work, all of which help to release tensions, aches and pains and offer comfort and relief with the symptoms associated with being pregnant.

In Trimester 3, Polly offers advice and exercises suitable for labour, and where suitable, partners are welcome to the treatments to watch and learn these techniques to assist their partners during labour.

Your comfort and safety come first, and during the treatment you will lie on your side and/or sit in a semi-reclined position whilst being fully supported with comfy body pillows and bolsters and big soft warm towels for complete support and to make the massage experience as tranquil, relaxing and comfortable as possible.

Treatments are available for 30|45|60|90 minutes.

Pregnancy massage can be carried out from the first trimester onwards. Please note that it is intended to support and not replace the essential antenatal care provided by your GP, midwife or obstetrician.


Hypnobirthing is a new and natural approach to safe, relaxed and comfortable birthing. Our course is suitable for all types of birth whether you are planning to have your baby in hospital, a birthing centre or at home.

You will be taught by Polly who is an experienced and certified Hypnobirthing teacher, who has personally used the techniques to peacefully and positivity birth her own daughter.

Polly incorporates her own personal experiences of how to have create a calm and relaxed birth no matter what happens on the day, and how to feel confident and in control, whilst teaching the theory of Hypnobirthing.

Her aim is to teach parents how to feel confident and who trust themselves and by using their natural instincts, make choices that are right for themselves and their families.

It can feel like a huge decision choosing to do Hypnobirthing to prepare for your birth. Please feel free to call Polly on 07790 007263 if you’d like to find out more about the course and whether it’s the right choice for you and your birth.


Polly offers fun and professional baby massage courses. The first few months after the birth of your baby can be both joyful and challenging, it’s the most important job in the world, but not always easy. Our baby massage courses can help support you through this time of change by offering some uninterrupted time of getting to know baby, and letting baby get to know you.

In the warm, inviting and friendly atmosphere of our Devon venue why not join us to learn the techniques of baby massage that have been created through the IAIM. Treat yourself and your baby to 75 minutes of quality, bonding time and enjoy learning a valuable skill for life.

Get to know other new mothers, let your baby make some friends and join in lively discussions, you can engage as little or as much as you wish in our classes – they are designed for you with your baby from 4 weeks old up to 10 months.

To see all of our course dates please visit our dedicated website to book –


We offer treatments for those whose due date has come and gone. The treatments incorporate a combination of acupressure, massage and reflexology which can encourage your body to bring about a natural start to childbirth.

Birth Partner Treatments

Birth is a wonderful experience and often birth partners want to be involved. A great way is to offer them some simple techniques to help and support you during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. We offer sessions for couples and pregnant women and their birth partners where you will learn massage, supportive techniques and birth positions.

Hypnobirthing courses

Taught by Polly, this is a natural approach to safe, relaxed and comfortable birthing.

The hypnobirthing classes will prepare you with the knowledge, confidence and tools, and the focus is not about having a pain free and natural birth, but empowering you to have the right birth for you, whatever path it takes.

Polly has a dedicated website where you can read all about the courses, what they include and how they can help and support you.

We know that it can feel like a huge decision choosing to do HypnoBirthing to prepare for your birth. Please feel free to call Polly on 07790 007263 if you’d like to find out more about the course and whether it’s the right choice for you and your birth, and to have a general chat about it all.